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MunizO was formed in August 2015 by TarO&JirO and Yuta.

TarO&JirO: In the spring of 2009, they left their homeland for London, UK and then, in 2011, expanded their activities in Europe, performing at Japan Expo in France, Rock Oz’Arene in Switzerland, and at the Guitare en Scene competition in France, where they won the first prize.

In 2013, after winning the Japanese section of Emergenza, they were signed to a major label and the next year they played at some of the biggest festivals in Japan, such as Rising Sun Rock Festival, Rock in Japan, and Countdown Japan. They gathered the attention of the Japanese media as promising artists to break in 2015, but then they decided to leave their label, after less than one year and a half.
After writing the end to their activities in the major scene in Japan, they begin a new chapter to redefine themselves as “worldwide artists”.

Yuta: He worked as a support drummer for a Japanese major label, playing at Rock in Japan, Summer Sonic, and other major festivals.
Coming back from the U.S after 3 months of studying both drums and English there, now he is proving himself to be an up-and-coming modern rock drummer.

MunizO: After being active in Japan for six months, in March 2016 they move to Toronto, Canada.
Without any friends or connections, they start performing at open mics and on the streets. With their perseverance, they are able to gather an audience of more than 100 people to their first show at the legendary Horseshoe Tavern, on a late Monday night.
Their achievements gain them the first page on the entertainment section of the Toronto Star, Canada’s highest-circulation newspaper, in June, and the airing of a documentary about their activities on CBC in December.
In November, they record in Toronto and release their second EP “Questionable”.
In January 2017, they successfully organize their first own show at Toronto Lee’s Palace.
In May, they recorded their new song “Push The Limits (For Better)” engineered by Jeremy Darby, who has worked with legends such as U2, Lou Reed, David Bowie, and many others.
This song was written for the new TOYOTA GAZOO Racing TV commercial and is now digital-released from Universal Music/Virgin Music.
In June, they temporarily put an end to their musical journey in Toronto after participating in Canada biggest showcase event NXNE 2017 and move back to Japan.





TarO&JirO: 2009年春、二人であてもなく渡英。
その後も欧州を中心に活動し、JAPAN EXPO 2011(フランス)、Rock Oz’Arene 2011(スイス)、Guitare en Scene 2012(フランス)等といった欧州フェスに多数出演。

2013年夏Emergenza日本大会にて優勝した後、12月にはアルバム「Brothers Fight」で待望のメジャーデビューを果たし、翌年にはRISING SUN ROCK FESTIVALやROCK IN JAPAN、COUNT DOWN JAPANと言った日本の大型フェスにも多数出演を果たす。


Yuta: 小林太郎のサポートドラマーとしてメジャーデビュー、ロックインジャパン・サマーソニックと言った大型フェスに多数出演。

MunizO: 2015夏始動。
知人もコネも全くないままオープンマイク・路上ライブから活動をスタートするも、渡加3か月後には地元で一番有名な老舗ライブハウス”Horseshoe Tavern”に100人以上のオーディエンスを呼び込む。
この大快挙により6月にはオンタリオ州最大の新聞紙”Toronto Star”ではエンターテイメント欄の表紙を飾り、また12月にはCBCニュースにてMunizOのカナダでの活動を追ったドキュメンタリーが放送される。
11月には2nd EP ”Questionable”をトロントにてレコーディングしリリース。
2017年1月にはライブハウスLee’s Palaceにて初の自主企画ライブを成功させる。
5月にはU2やLou Reed、David Bowieなどのレジェンドのサウンド作りにも携わってきたJeremy Darbyをエンジニアとして迎え、新曲「Push The Limits (For Better)」のレコーディングをトロントのスタジオにて行う。
同楽曲は「TOYOTA GAZOO Racing」TVコマーシャルソングとして書き下ろしたもので、7月5日ユニバーサルミュージック/ Virgin Musicよりデジタルシングルとして 配信がスタート。