OVNI stands for “Objet Volant Non Identifié”
Unidentified Flying Object in English.
When TarO&JirO won the battle of the bands competition “Guitare en Scene 2011” held in France, the local media reported their victory saying “They are the OVNI coming from the land of the rising sun…!!”
- Karenai Mizutamari
- Once in a while
- Brain soap
- Shurai -Landing-
- Kemuri
- Kage
- Too dark to live
Released on April 23, 2014 by Imperial Records
- 涸れない水たまり
- Once in a while
- Brain soap
- 襲来-Landing-
- 煙
- 影
- Too dark to live
2014年4月23日発売、Imperial Records